Prefilter Shaft GSB

Aeration system for installation in pre filtershafts

Coarse filter and separation system for mineral and organic components from the incoming load

UT Geschiebeschachtbelüftung GSB Regenbecken

Applications and benefits

  • Coarse filter – separation of mineral and organic components

  • Minimization of wear and malfunctions in pumps, agitators, throttles, rakes, jet cleaners, etc.

  • Reduction in maintenance and replacement costs for wastewater facilities

  • Minimization of sewer cleaning costs thanks to sewers free of debris

  • Protection of water from unauthorized discharges

  • Odour and rot minimization

  • Retrofitting in existing shafts or installation in new shafts possible


Mineral substances such as sand, gravel, grit, stones etc. are also washed in via various wastewater discharges in sewer systems.
These mineral substances, mixed with wastewater components, form the so-called debris. If this debris is not removed/filtered from the circuit, the abrasive effect of the medium can cause severe mechanical damage, blockages and heavy wear to the downstream wastewater treatment systems and components.
Aerated debris shafts serve as a coarse filter and separation system for organic and mineral components.

Schaubild IUT Anlage zur Geschiebeschachtbelüftung GSB als Vorfilter vor Regenbecken

Functional principle

Coarse-bubble aeration promotes the buoyancy of substances through air bubbles and thus separates organic material from the mineral (flotation). The organic particles are transported to the wastewater treatment plant. This effectively prevents putrefaction processes and greatly reduces the load on rainwater overflow basins and sewage treatment plants. The mineral components are retained in the debris shaft and can be removed with clearing equipment when they reach the appropriate level. The dry weather runoff should be routed through the system in a stationary dry weather channel.


IUT Anlage zur Geschiebeschachtbelüftung GSB Regenbecken - Highlights -